
Why branding yourself

Hi, I recently receive a question that i'd like to share with you today...I really like this one because the answer will allow you to dominate your rivalry and can make you millions in whatever industry you pursue if you put it into action.How's it done? Keep reading and find out... "Hi Frank, I am in the real estate note industry. How would you market a business like this online? My target audience would be potential note holders, private and business."Thanks,BrendaYes, this have nothing to do with networking on the facade, but in the end that doesn't matter because marketing is marketing no matter what industry you're in, led lights and I really like this question because the answer will allow you to dominate your competition and can make you millions in whatever business you pursue if you put it into action...So how would I market a real estate note business online?Well online or offline isn't really the most important determining factor or subject matter here because they are both just transmission mediums. It's the marketing "ANGLE" that Brenda takes that will determine if it's successful or not.And of course, my answer follows what is show in 'Magnetic Sponsoring' course which is to position yourself as an expert and as a useful resource within that business.Long story short: Brenda needs to sell HERSELF first, which will attract her customers to her inevitably.Why Branding Youself? Because everybody wants to work with the greatest. Everyone wants to work with the area's best doctor or realtor. Everyone wants to go to the city's best plastic surgeon. Everyone wants to hire the best financial planner. Everyone wants to purchase from the number one sales person.When you're "the best", your prices don't really matter anymore. You can charge twice as much as you competition (think Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche), etc...Now here's the best part... You don't really need to be "the best", because that's always relative and stems from judgment - whether it's the opinion of your customers, or your opinion of yourself!(Just ask your mom for a testimonial ;)Ok ok...Now the best way for branding yourself and position yourself as a beneficial resource to your customers is to "give without want."And this basically means that you need to give VALUABLE information freely to your target market.If I were Brenda, I'd write quite a few articles and reports with content like:"The 5 Biggest mistakes People Make When Buying Real Estate Notes."Or..."The Biggest Kept Secret of The Real Estate Notes Industry, And How it Can Save You Thousands!"I would optimize these articles with the right keywords for my territory, and then submit them to all of the webs article submission resource sites. (This is a free s1:Targeted lead generation strategy by the way...)Now at any time someone does a search for real estate notes, Brenda's articles will come up, providing the readers with beneficial money saving tips and suggestions.If I were going to send potential clients a physical ad in the mail, I would NOT promote my note prices or interest rates as the lead-in to the piece.I WOULD point out them somewhere in the ad so I can capture the guys who are looking and ready to buy TODAY, but they wouldn't be the primary focus.I WOULD promote my newsletter or free "Note Buying Secrets" Report...Sell "insiders information" on the front end which will put them into your communication pipe-line, position yourself as the "go-to guy", and then your product or service on the backend.Now I don't know the Real Estate Note Industry, but I DO know that persons are always looking for information that will support them make the best decision they can make.And because BRENDA is the creator of that information and has her good-looking picture on it along with a link to her webpage, she has automatically positioned herself as an professional in that arena that people will call.This is EXACTLY what I did, and I'll take you through the total process of Branding Yourself.Try the 'Magnetic Sponsoring' course for a full 12 months risk free. If you don't get the results you want, Sports Watches you don't pay.Thank you for your leadership

